Sunday 17 November 2013

Christmas on a Budget - DIY Beaded Tree Ornaments

Back once again with a brand new shiny! This time we are making this:

Beaded spiral ornaments for your tree. This make is super simple, and a good one to get the kids involved with. It would also make a cute homemade gift if you put together a box of around 6 of them in complimenting colours.

You will need: Craft wire (around 30cm per ornament), beads, a choice of ribbons. Also, scissors, tape, and cardboard for your template.

Step 1: Cut off around 30cm of wire. If you are using craft wire, then it should cut easily with scissors.

Step 2: Tie a tight knot in one end of the wire.

Step 3: String the wire with beads of your choice. I went with 6 of one colour, 2 of the other, but you can follow any pattern and colour you wish.

Step 4: When the wire is fully beaded (with around 5cm left free at the end), twist a tight loop into the end of the wire.

Step 5: Take around 10cm of your ribbon and pass through the loop. Tie a knot or a bow into it. This will be used to hang your finished ornament on the tree.

Step 6: Cut a rough rectangle from your cardboard, fold around into a cone shape, and tape into place. This doesn't need to be neat.

Step 7: Take your string of beads, and wind around the cone to make your spiral shape. Simply slide off the end when done.

Be sure to remove all cats from the room unless you want your workspace climbed on when trying to take pictures!

All done.

The pictures don't show these at their best. The catch the light well and really sparkle.

Total cost: Around 5p per ornament (probably less than that!)
Total time spent: 10 minutes per ornament.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice trick
