Monday 11 November 2013

Christmas on a budget - DIY Reversible Stocking

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Alright, so maybe it is only November, but the crafters among us know that if you want anything ready by the time Christmas rolls around, then NOW is the time to start! So strap on those jingle bells folks, because Christmas has come early to Enthusiastitch!

Today, we will be making this:

A reversible stocking!

You will need : Your outer fabric (I've gone once again, for the trusty red velvet), Your inner fabric (I ended up choosing the tartan, but there is also a satin in the picture because at this point, I honestly hadn't made my mind up yet.), Scissors, needle and thread, pins, a scrap of ribbon (approx 20cm in length), a marker or pen, and some cardboard (not pictured).

Step 1: Draw a basic stocking shape onto the cardboard. When you are happy with the size and shape, cut it out to make your template.

Step 2: Draw around your template onto the wrong side of your outer fabric. Flip the template over, and draw again.

As I was using the remainder of a curtain, I used the original hem. However, if your chosen fabric doesn't have a ready made hem, then simply fold along the edge once and sew down.

Step 3: Cut out your two shapes.

Step 4: Place your two pieces, right sides together. Fold back the top a little, fold your ribbon in half to create a loop and place it in between your two stocking shapes with the ends of the ribbon sticking out slightly.

Step 5: Fold the tops back into alignment and pin into place.

Step 6: Sew the two stocking shapes together, remembering to NOT sew along the straight edge as this will obviously be your opening.

I did all of this stitching by hand as velvet + sewing machine = nightmare.

Step 7: Turn your stocking out and set aside.

You could, if you wanted to, stop here. This would make a perfectly functional, simple stocking. However, if you want to make your stocking reversible, continue on to the next step.

Steps 8 - 11: This is simply doing what you did earlier, only with the second fabric.





(remember, to add a hem if necessary)

Step 12: Leaving your inner fabric inside out, stuff it inside the outer stocking:

Step 13: Add a row of stitches along your hem line to secure your inner and outer pieces together. REMEMBER not to sew your top closed!


Of course, you could add any sequins, glitter, buttons, or any other embellishments you like at this point. Go nuts, it's Christmas!

Total cost: £0.00 (all materials on hand)
Total time spent; 30 minutes.

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